MONDAY, June 15, 2015, 7:00 PM
We are excited about our local NPSNJ chapter that serves native plant enthusiasts in Atlantic County and Cape County as well as anyone from areas west or north who would like to join us. We hold eight evening meetings a year on the 3rd Monday of the month (September, October, November, February, March, April, May, and June). We are delighted that Stockton College’s Sustainability Program – specifically the Campus Farm Native Plant Project – is sponsoring us and making it possible for us to have meetings in an easily-accessible location and a comfortable setting with the necessary “smart room” equipment.
Our June meeting will begin promptly at 7 p.m. Monday, June 15, 2015, in room B-012 at the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey.
Gardening with Native Plants for Food by Daniel Duran
Native plants can be used to improve the ecological value of our landscapes in a variety of ways. One potential benefit that most of us have never considered is the use of our native flora for food. Dr. Duran will discuss how we can integrate this newly-recognized approach to promoting sustainability into our fruit and vegetable gardens.
We welcome Dan Duran back to Stockton College where he received a BS in Environmental Sciences. Dan is currently an assistant professor at Drexel University where he teaches a course on Native Plants and Sustainability. He is also adjunct faculty member at the Barnes Foundation Arboretum.
If you would like to be updated with details about our future meetings, please contact Jesse Connor at: southeast@npsnj.org. (Contacting this site will put you on the list for monthly meeting information, field trip info, and timely updates.)
Directions to B 012: Easiest: park in Parking Lot #1 or #2 and bear right walking down the hill, following the signs to Alton Auditorium. Enter the A-D Building by the main doors across from the Arts & Sciences Building. B-012 is on the ground floor. Second-Best Route: Park in Parking Lots #3 or #4 and walk through the Campus Center Building, then bear right as you exit. Go down the hill and enter the A-D building on your left and turn right as you enter.
We look forward to seeing you there
Jesse Connor, Jack Connor, Barbara Fiedler, and Jean Riling
For more information, contact Jesse Connor, Jack Connor, or Barbara Fiedler at email: southeast@npsnj.org