SEPTEMBER 24 & 25 10 am - 4pm.
4054-A Tremont Ave, Egg Harbor Twp 609-287-5090
the coming of Autumn by planting native plants. Planting now gives plants a
great chance to establish their root systems over winter and gives them a head
start next spring. This is a great time to plant Milkweed for next years’
Monarchs as well as early spring bloomers. All four inch pots are $3.50. Large
pots are $10.00. Cash or local checks accepted. There are over 50 species of chemical free,
wildlife friendly plants to choose from.
Golden aster,
Smooth blue aster, New York Ironweed, Perennial sunflowers, Goldenrods , Milkweeds,
Bog/pond plants, Native grasses, Seashore plants, Bonesets, just to name a few.
Many are NJ eco-types so they are naturally hardy to our area.