Tuesday, July 24, 2018

ACUA Native Plant Evening with Raven Ahmed July 24, 7pm

Native Plants Society 
of New Jersey
Southeast Chapter  
Raven Ahmed on Native Plants at the ACUA
7 pm, July 26th
Thursday July 26, 7 pm

Join the ACUA for an evening walk, talk, and garden upkeep session. Raven Ahmed, founder of Earth First Native Plant Nursery, will share her knowledge of native plants by guiding participants through the garden and pointing out native species along the way.  We'll talk about the importance of planting native plants and also have the opportunity to remove some of the pesky species that need to be controlled.  The idea is for participants to be able to take this information back home and apply it to their own backyards - keeping those invasive species in check!
Gloves will be provided, but please feel free to bring anything else you like to garden with!  The evening should involve walking, sharing knowledge, and light yard work. 
If you would like to be updated with details about our future meetings, please contact Jesse Connor at:  southeast@npsnj.org.  (Contacting this site will put you on the list for monthly meeting information, field trip info, and timely updates.)
Jesse Connor, Jack Connor, Barbara Fiedler, and Steve Fiedler.